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Lexington Open Studios at LexArt

April 5 and 6 from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

The Launching of the first annual Lexington Open Studios (LOS), in 2009, was welcomed by Lexington artists and art lovers. The Munroe Center for the Arts (MCA), Lexington Arts and Crafts Society (LexArt), Depot Square Gallery Artists and a committee of unaffiliated artists collaborated to initiate, organize and support the first Lexington Open Studios.

The LOS collaborative organizing group has become a cohesive working team. In addition to opening their studios, participating artist have joined the planning team and the growing community of Lexington artists to create this successful event.

LexArt will be hosting the following artists:

Fay Senner

Kathy Kemp

Elena Danilina

Intricate Geometries

Earthsign Studios

Indecision Studio

Karen Dubrovsky

Joanie's Kids

Allison In Wonderland Designs

Laurie Lloyd & Lynne M Sole

Laurie Leuchtenburg

LexArt will be hosting open studios in our maker spaces

The following Demos will take place:

-Key Chain Making in the Metals Studio

-Weaving Demonstration in the Weaving & Fiber Arts Studio

-Wood Turning out in front of the Gallery

For more info about Lexington Open Studios, click here

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