Mar 23 - Apr 21, 2024
Opening Reception: Sun, Mar 24, 2024; 2- 5 pm
Workshop: Sat, April 6th, 2024; 1-3pm
Workshop: Sat, April 13th, 2024, 10-4pm
Curatorial Statement:
The environmental crisis is multifactorial: consumerism, pollution, extreme weather, loss of biodiversity, and other catastrophes - too complex, too intertwined, but above all, too urgent. A collective problem that requires collective solutions. As individuals, we wonder, “How can I contribute to the solution?”
The featured eco-minded artists, members of i3C (inspiring Change for the Climate Crisis) Artists Group and Guests, respond by working with rejected materials, such as beach debris, plastic waste, or repurposed textiles. They dare to reinvent the life of waste, transforming these society rejections into reminders of what we need to save.
Join our conversation: change is not only possible but also a necessary and powerful element for critical environmental transformation.
TikTok Video of the Exhibit:
